Lock html, cryptate and protect your webpages from theift! Make your website secure and prevent theft of your html source code. Easy and fast to use, no html knowledge needed.
Caterpillar rapidly extracts all the text requiring translation from multiple web pages to a single output file - so you can process/translate the extracted text segments in any way you like using other software, before re-integrating.
Trellian WebTidy is the perfect solution to optimizing and supercharging your websites. With Trellian WebTidy you take a page from your website and the program will carefully analyze all of your code and begin correcting all errors, line-by-line.
Copy protect the images on your web site or CD using image encryption and domain lock. Secure Image Pro is recommended image protection for photographers and advertising professionals. Pro will enctrypt more than 3,000 images on a single click.
Web Browser Spell Check allows webmasters to easily add a spell checker to text boxes and text areas of their web sites. Client-side technologies are used to perform the check so your web server is not laden with additional work.
The HTML Rich Text Area is a web browser tool that replaces textareas with a powerful WYSIWYG editor. It implements a user interface familiar to any Windows user enabling even novice computer users to quickly format text in a variety of styles.
This software allows to search and replace within multiple html documents. The search capability helps to search like in a search engine. Replace capability allows you to replace, insert or delete paragraphs of text within multiple documents.