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Deluxe Menu, Deluxe Tree, Deluxe Tabs

Hot! Deluxe Menus: Java Script Menu, Java Script Tree, Java Script Tabs

{#rating#} 5.0 5.0
Make professional HTML and Java Script Menus in minutes with Deluxe Menu! Create a cross-browser, search engine friendly, fast-loading web interface of any desired complexity and appearance. You don't need any in-depth knowledge of HTML or Javascript to develop web menus with Deluxe Menu. By simply changing a menu parameter file, you can create any navigation system in minutes. Deluxe Menu comes with an easy-to-use GUI wizard that allows you to generate and test the menu in just a few mouse clicks.
Free Trial Platform(s): Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Mac OSX, Sun Solaris Date: Nov, 01 2006
Amount: 315
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Hits: 1094

Flash to Video Encoder PRO

Rating 0.0 0.0
Convert Flash (swf) Movies to Video AVI ASF WMV MPEG DVD files. Flash To Video Encoder allows you to convert any Macromedia Flash swf files to video movie AVI or mp4 or ASF/WMV file. Burn directly to DVD. Add watermarks, logos and copiright messages to video file. The converting process allowing human interaction on Flash content during conversion.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Oct, 26 2006
Hits: 503

SWF Live Preview

Rating 0.0 0.0
This software is aimed to help you preview Flash movie files using standard Windows Explorer. Once SWF Live Preview is installed you can scan directories and subdirectories for flash files, create and preview thumbnails for SWF files and fetch information such as Flash version, number of frames, shapes, find if file is compressed or not, etc. You can even choose yourself from which frame to create thumbnail as well as set size of preview.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Jun, 24 2005
Hits: 667

ESA MP3 Player - uses XML or FlashVars

Rating 0.0 0.0
A simple and efficient way to add dynamic MP3 sound files to your HTML or Flash project. This component reads from a simple XML playlist that makes it easy to change your MP3 files and titles without requiring Flash developer software. In addition, this component can be set up to accept FlashVars, which enables you to pass the path for the XML from your html document (for dynamic websites). * Compatible with Flash 8 and MX 2004 * Supports ID3 metadata * Plays multiple MP3 files from an XML playlist that controls track order, location, and title. * Can also play single MP3 files specifed within the FLA or as a FlashVars * Extremely small footprint (6kb SWF file) * CSS Stylesheets control text appearance! * Fully customizable * Built in API / v2 component architecture * Configurable parameters include Autoplay, Looping, Random, Color Scheme, etc. * Comprehensive support and custom development services are available for this product!
Platform(s): Linux, Windows, Mac OSX Date: Oct, 13 2006
Hits: 956

Userplane FREE Audio/Video Chat

Rating 0.0 0.0
Full audio/video flash-based chat application is now as easy as copy and paste! Register for free today and have a completely free chat room on any site that has all the capabilities of our fully integrated version minus the integration! Come check it out today!
Platform(s): Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Mac OSX, Sun Solaris Date: Jun, 23 2005
Hits: 899

Flash Audio Kit extension for Dreamweaver

Rating 0.0 0.0
The Flash Audio Kit allows you to quickly add universally-compatible audio to your website. Macromedia Flash is not required - in minutes you can have audio with Jukebox functionality, all from Dreamweaver MX or MX 2004. The player is amazingly customizable, from a hidden background audio player, to audio with custom control buttons. Here are a few of the many features: * Amazingly easy to use - you can have audio on your site in 5 minutes * No server-side requirements * Jukebox Wizard, which allows you to add playlist functionality * Due to progressive download, audio will play as it downloads, and the user won't have to wait * Universal compatibility due to Flash-based display - Current penetration is over 90% * Audio URL can be encrypted, to prevent any audio theft * Player is only 38KB download once for entire site! * The layout & all user-interface elements are completely customizable * Built-in Audio Converter (Windows only) allows you to easily convert your audio into MP3 format * Easy to use Editing Wizard allows you to instantly make changes * Support for completely custom control buttons * Layout can be customized to be a hidden background player, or a full featured audio player * Much, Much More! If you want to add audio to your website, the Flash Audio Kit is the easiest way to do so. Note: The Audio Converter is only compatible with Windows
Platform(s): Windows, Mac OSX Date: Jun, 22 2005
Hits: 1213

Zinc v2 Pocket PC Edition

Rating 0.0 0.0
Windows, Mac OSX and now Pocket PC! Zinc v2 Pocket PC Edition is another MDM World Exclusive - Build and Deploy Pocket PC Applications based upon the Adobe SWF Flash� Format. Zinc v2 Pocket PC Edition is the World's first true Flash Based RAD tool for Pocket PC!<br> Zinc v2 Pocket PC Edition is a SWF2EXE Development Environment that compiles Pocket PC Applications from SWF Flash Files! Compile Windows Mobile 2002/2003 Applications directly from your existing or new Flash Projects with no additional coding necessary!<br> Zinc v2 Pocket PC Edition is available as a STANDARD or LITE version. In addition, the compiled Pocket PC Projectors retain as much functionality of Zinc v2 Windows & Mac OSX Projectors! This includes support for over 150 {mdm}Script Commands (Including Reading/Writing Files, Video Playback and Device Manipulation!) - Customizable Projector Windows, Splash Screens, Custom Installers and much, much more!
Platform(s): Windows Date: Oct, 17 2006
Hits: 467

Simple Sample V3

Rating 0.0 0.0
Simple Sample is an easy to setup, dynamic .mp3 driven inferface designed in Flash for Web and Local Playback of on-demand Audio Samples allowing users to add and modify tracks WITHOUT needing to use of the Flash Professional 2004� Application. <br><br> <b>Features</b> <hr align="left width="300"><br> � 1-Click, On-Demand Audio Sampler with 0-latency � Volume Control � Load .mp3's Dynamically � Load Area and Track Titles Dynamically ( external .txt file ) � Quick-Kill / Cancel Button to stop all audio � Use online of locally ( Web Ready ) � Dynamically Resize interface ( Vector Interface = 0 Image Distortion ) � Last Played shows last sample triggered <a href="http://simplesample .xm.la/" target="_blank">View our site for a live demo!</a>
Platform(s): Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Mac OSX Date: Dec, 13 2005
Hits: 711

Datagrid Extensions

Rating 4.0 4.0
Features: Selectively change the background color of any cell. Multi-line editing, with Word Wrapping. This is probably the most sought-after feature of the Flash datagrid, and which is sorely missing from Macromedia's Datagrid distribution. Merge headers, change the background color of any given header, and apply HTML formatting to the cell header text, like italic and bold. Format all data in a given column. For example, apply $ and ".00" formatting to price values in a column. When clicked, the "true" value of the cell is displayed. Nearly any format mask can be used. Add powerful stylesheet support via external CSS files. This allows even more flexibility to the cell formatting than can be used with the limited HTML support that comes built-in to the datagrid. The DataGrid Extensions download comes with Flash 6 AND Flash 7 versions. Some features, like CSS support, are only available in the Flash 7 version. Add powerful event handling to any cell. For example, when clicked, the cell data can be passed to an Actionscript function of your choice. An advanced API is included for your reference (for Flash 7 extensions). The Flash 6 version comes with a text file that lists all available functions. Add horizontal scrolling to your datagrid. Convenient MXP installer is provided (for Flash 7 version only), as well as .fla examples. 100% of the Flash source code is included (Actionscript source files). Thus, if you need to do something which isn't built-in to the datagrid extensions, you may be able to add it yourself, provided that you have a strong knowledge of Actionscript. Add HTML to any cell by setting the "htmlDrawing" property.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Jun, 19 2005
Hits: 549

Gallery by H7

Rating 0.0 0.0
Features All sounds are fully configurable using an external XML file, which can be edited using any standard text editor, like Windows Notepad or Textpad. All image descriptions, paths, and category names and images, are fully configurable in the XML configuration file. All gallery text is fully configurable, for example the top gallery title, and the category text. You can even use so-called "bb-code" like [b] and [i] to insert italic and bold effects. 3 possible image transitions are available: horizontal wipe, vertical wipe, or both horizontal and vertical wipes. The demo shows both horizontal and vertical wipes enabled ("B" setting in the XML configuration). Tooltip effects are available (but can be disabled easily in the XML configuration file). Image popup feature allows you to link any image to a popup window (an external HTML file, which comes with the gallery code). Thumbnail and image folders can be specified in the XML file. It's also possible to use the same folder for both, if you don't feel like creating a bunch of separate thumbnails. 100% of the Flash 2004 Pro. source code is included with your purchase. Thus, if you can't find an XML option to do what you need, you can always just directly modify the Flash code, provided that you have the Flash 7 authorinig environment. Infinitely many categories are possible, and infinitely many images per category.
Platform(s): Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Mac OSX, Sun Solaris Date: Jun, 16 2005
Hits: 1439

Fast Gallery

Rating 5.0 5.0
Features Over a dozen options are available for the gallery, located in an external XML configuration file. This file is editable using any standard text editor like Windows Notepad or Textpad. Both color, text, and layout configuration options are available. 4 different layouts are available: 1, 2, 3, and 4 (the "layout" parameter). Images for the gallery can be specified via the external XML file. The thumbnail path using the "thumb" parameter, and the caption text using the "captiontext" tag. Any image can also be linked to a popup window, which can either be an external URL (http:// location) or an image, as it is in the demo. "Print" image option is available. When clicked, the operating system's print window is automatically opened. This option can be disabled in the XML. Auto-scroll for thumbnails is available through 2 of the 4 available layouts. The auto-scroll can be placed either on the right or on the left side of the gallery layout. Any image can be linked to an external popup window by specifying a path in the "imageurl" tag, in the XML configuration file. 100% of the Flash source code is included upon purchase (the Flash 2004 Pro. file, as well as the ActionScript 2.0 classes). Thus, if the option isn't available in the XML configuration file, then you can always directly edit the Flash code. Basic operation of the gallery involves three files: an HTML file, a SWF file, and an XML configuration file. The idea is that the SWF loads the XML configuration file upon startup, to determine the layout and settings for the gallery. As you can see, the SWF is very light (only about 14 KB). Fast Gallery is truly one of the fastest and most poweful image galleries on the market.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Jun, 16 2005
Amount: 315
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