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Deluxe Menu, Deluxe Tree, Deluxe Tabs

Hot! Deluxe Menus: Drop Down Menus, Java Script Menu Trees, Java Script Menu Tabs

{#rating#} 5.0 5.0
Make your web site clean and accessible with De Luxe HTML Menu! Features: Full cross-browser compatible. Search engine friendly. Cross-frame support. Visible over select boxes, iframes, flash, Java applets. Friendly to other scripts and css styles. A lot of pre-designed templates. Hundreds of visual effects. Scrollable, dragable, floating, and context menus. Keyboard navigation. JavaScript API for changing menu "on-the-fly". Free for Non-Profit Websites!
Free Trial Platform(s): Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Mac OSX, Sun Solaris Date: Nov, 01 2006
Amount: 315
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Hits: 252

CustomizedFlash.com Navigation Menu from xml

Rating 0.0 0.0
CustomizedFlash.com Navigation Menu from xml offers multi-level Flash menu with fully customizable text, font, link, background, border style, shadow style and pop-up effects. All you need to do is open the xml in any text file editor and change the values and upload the swf with xml on your site and embed the menu tags on any WebPages. Use it on any number of pages or domains.
Platform(s): n/a Date: Apr, 30 2004
Hits: 841

Free Flash Photo Gallery

Rating 5.0 5.0
Hoover Web Design's Free Flash Photo Gallery is guaranteed to match your website because you can customize just about everything. You can customize: Number of photos in gallery (up to 20) Customize Background color with color codes Customize Title Color with color codes Customize Your Title Customize navigation arrow color Thumbnails are automatically created of your photos. Just place them in a directory and our flash gallery will read the images and display them in the gallery. Note: The full versions of the software allow you to display up to 100 images and more customization options are available.
Platform(s): Windows Date: May, 14 2006
Hits: 291

Standalone Local Flash FLV Video & MP3 Player

Rating 0.0 0.0
This standalone Flash FLV Video & MP3 player allows you to browse preview and check the properties of any FLV or MP3 file on your local system. It uses Macromedias media display components to allow a user to preview andbetter control the flv or mp3 files loaded for preview. This includes an installer and has no adware of any kind included, the application is created using the c programming language, making it smaller and faster than any other Local FLV Player available online to download for free. The application works as a system browser for FLV and MP3 files. You right click a file and select play to open a popup window with controls. The file size creation date, etc are shown in the Local FLV Players status bar.
Platform(s): n/a Date: Jun, 01 2004
Hits: 395

Amara Flash News Ticker

Rating 0.0 0.0
Amara Flash News Ticker creates news tickers instantly. It only takes a few minutes to create a complete Flash news scroller. This Flash news scroller lets you create impressive and professional Flash Tickers for your web site or Flash project. Now with optional XML data feed
Platform(s): Windows Date: Oct, 31 2006
Hits: 382

Show kit

Rating 0.0 0.0
Show kit 2.0 is a multi-template multimedia authoring tool for creation of HTML and Flash websites, presentations, intros and preloaders. With its friendly interface and handy features (image editor, text processor, Unicode and MP3 support, automatic FTP upload) Show kit 2.0 proves to be an effective solution for everybody to easily build professional web output with a single click. Create, upload, and go for a coffee... with Show.kit.
Platform(s): n/a Date: Mar, 18 2004
Hits: 877


Rating 0.0 0.0
Text-Osterone is an extremely easy program to generate animated text effects in seconds. Choose from over 200 customizable effects. Outputs Macromedia Flash FLA and SWF files, HTML, self-executables, and QuickTime movies. Works with your installed TrueType and Postscript fonts. Add multiple lines of text, and mix and match effects on different blocks of text in a single file. Add on click actions to launch web pages or load other SWF movie files. Save project files so you can work on your text effects later. Import Text-Osterone effects into SWF 'n Slide show creator.
Platform(s): Windows, Mac OSX Date: Sep, 14 2004
Hits: 971

Flash Admin

Rating 0.0 0.0
Preview lots of Flash files in thumbnails mode, provide you a convenient way to manage them. Flash properties quick preview, includes: file path, file size, frame rate, frame count and frame size. Support drag and drop operation of files and folders. Five display modes: icons, list, details, thumbnails and full screen. DVD like playing back progress control. Build in zoom in, zoom out and playback quality control. Snapshot Flash frame into BMP/JPEG file format. Snapshot Flash frame, and set it as wallpaper directly. Batch convert between SWF and EXE format. Email Flash file in just one click. Publish Flash file by the publish wizard, without any coding. Stay in tray icon when minimized. Sound volume adjusting, include mute support.
Platform(s): n/a Date: Mar, 02 2004
Hits: 262

Wildform Wild FX Pro Video Titler

Rating 0.0 0.0
Wild FX Pro Video Titling and Text Animation Software: * Comes with 417 built-in effects! * Exports video and Flash .swf files * Works with your installed fonts. * Easy to use. Just enter your text and select an effect! * Make advanced text animations without any programming knowledge. * Lets you create your own effects templates. * Includes over 40 infinitely customizable effects. * Savable settings files. * Support for double-byte characters such as Japanese and Chinese. * 200 additional text effects are available in the Wild FX Power Effects Pack Video output features: * Outputs video formats: .mov, .avi,.dv, .mp4, and image sequences. * Alpha channel support for creating transparent backgrounds for use with non-linear editing software. * Previews with title safe area. * Safe color output option. * Add fades to exported video. * Easily adjusts to NTSC and PAL framerates. * Bilinear filter to smooth edges on text.
Platform(s): n/a Date: Feb, 27 2004
Hits: 416

123 Flash Menu

Rating 0.0 0.0
123 Flash Menu is a powerful tool to create impressive and professional Flash menu within 3 steps. Create impressive and professional Flash menus in only 3 steps. Create personalized menu from hundreds of pre-made templates. Make dynamic effects like animations, sounds, gradients and transparcy without any programming skills. Make multi-level Flash menus with fully customizable texts, fonts, links, backgrounds, border styles, shadow styles and pop-up effects. Generate advanced HTML scripts with the publish wizard automatically. Generate cross-browser Flash menus without complex scripts. Get extra templates from us after the registration. Get more visitors with the professional, modern and fashionable menus.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Apr, 28 2006
Hits: 338

Bob&Bill Flash Game

Rating 0.0 0.0
Bob and Bill: passion-exciting flash game for those who are obsessed with speed and shooting. Dynamic graphics plus real-effect riding along the desert road is equal to entertainment boon and pleasure. Imagine you are one of those crazy guys, trying to shoot the duck at a high speed. Taking your breath away? Challenging you with catching the prey? Feeling the smell of grilled duck? Then check out your hunting skills with Bob and Bill!
Platform(s): n/a Date: Feb, 20 2004
Amount: 315
Displaying: 231 - 240
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