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Deluxe Menu, Deluxe Tree, Deluxe Tabs

Hot! Deluxe Menus: Java Script Menu, Java Script Tree, Java Script Tabs

{#rating#} 5.0 5.0
Make professional HTML and Java Script Menus in minutes with Deluxe Menu! Create a cross-browser, search engine friendly, fast-loading web interface of any desired complexity and appearance. You don't need any in-depth knowledge of HTML or Javascript to develop web menus with Deluxe Menu. By simply changing a menu parameter file, you can create any navigation system in minutes. Deluxe Menu comes with an easy-to-use GUI wizard that allows you to generate and test the menu in just a few mouse clicks.
Free Trial Platform(s): Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Mac OSX, Sun Solaris Date: Nov, 01 2006
Amount: 315
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Hits: 293


Rating 0.0 0.0
Pixifex creates bitmap effects for Macromedia Flash, and does that real-time! Pixifex comes equipped with 15 highly adjustable effect groups, which you can tweak using sliders and buttons. Any adjustment made takes effect immediately, which makes Pixifex a productivity tool that you cannot afford to miss out on. Creating high quality ShockWave material has never been so simple.
Platform(s): n/a Date: Jun, 21 2004
Hits: 818

Amara Flash Slideshow Builder

Rating 0.0 0.0
Amara Flash Slideshow Builder is a low-cost no-nonsense Flash album creator to help the web designer to create and design animated Flash slide-shows. Amara Flash Slideshow Builder you can take your own digital images and music, and turn them into a stunning Flash slideshow in minutes. The software is compatible with all popular graphic file and audio formats. Amara Flash Slideshow Builderr allows you to design compelling animated Flash photo galleries from your digital camera pictures. Amara Flash Slideshow Builder saves your settings. All your personal settings for pictures, URL links, colors, sound etc. are automatically loaded the next time you use Amara Flash Slide show builder. But you can also easily change and update them. Amara Flash slide show builder is extremely user-friendly. The user interface guides you through the quick and easy steps and you will understand how it works immediately. No Flash or programming skills are required.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Nov, 02 2006
Hits: 332

Compress SWF

Rating 0.0 0.0
A handy software solution for everyone who deals with Macromedia Flash technology. It manages to compress your SWF files size up to 60-70% thanks to amazing algorithms of vectors, shapes, morphing, Z-buffer, fonts and other optimizations. You can preview the result in a player, view it frame-by-frame, zoom in/out, customize every optimization parameter or view detailed information about original and optimized files in the "SWF info" window.
Platform(s): n/a Date: Jun, 22 2004
Hits: 370


Rating 0.0 0.0
Atomik Studio is pleased to announce Fire-up for Windows and Mac. Macromedia Flash projectors allow you to launch an application, but not to open a file. Fire-Up solves this issue, but Fire-Up can do more than that: Fire-Up can also print and copy files. And it can be used with Director projectors, PowerPoint slideshows and autorun enabled CD-roms.
Platform(s): n/a Date: Jan, 23 2006
Hits: 903


Rating 0.0 0.0
SWiSHmax has everything you need to create stunning fully interactive Flash animations. You can create shapes, text, buttons, sprites, and motion paths. You can also use more than 230 ready-to-use animated effects or create your own effects. You can make an interactive movie by adding actions to objects and a scripting language allows you to program sophisticated operations into your animations. SWiSHmax creates all the files you need to upload.
Platform(s): n/a Date: May, 31 2004
Hits: 840

Easy Hi-Q Recorder

Rating 0.0 0.0
Easy Hi-Q Recorder is the easiest way to record absolutely any sound in real-time! Easy Hi-Q Recorder will record directly to: MP3, (Constant Bitrate: CBR or Variable Bitrate: VBR), WMA 9, (Windows Media Audio 9), WAV or OGG Vorbis. At the high-end you can record to actual CD quality stereo and at the low-end you can record all the way down to 8 Khz mono. The quality is excellent at all settings! Record streaming Internet audio or video broadcast
Platform(s): n/a Date: May, 27 2004
Hits: 261

FXWitz SWF Editor

Rating 0.0 0.0
This is a professional suite flash template-based application (Win & Mac) easy-to-use for developing, with its highend templates, easily, in lightning speed with only a few mouse clicks and keystrokes, stunning and impressive professional Slideshow and Gallery in optimized file SWF (Macromedia Flash) with: Preloading, Thumbnails, Controls, Transition Effects, Special Effects, Rollover, Actionscript, Zoom, Pan ready to use with must popular HTML Editors, for the web or cd, change Flash display size easily, no coding required or Flash knowledge. FXWitz SWF Editor is a true aid for the job of Webmaster & Webdesigner. FXWitz SWF Editor will save your time, efforts and money!
Platform(s): n/a Date: May, 24 2004
Hits: 833

PHP/SWF Charts

Rating 0.0 0.0
Use PHP scripts to generate or gather the data from databases, then pass it to this tool to generate Flash (swf) charts. PHP/SWF Charts makes the best of both the PHP and SWF worlds. PHP scripts provide integration, and Flash provides the best display quality. � Features: - Web charts from dynamic data - Quality Flash graphics including anti-aliasing, gradients, blends, etc. - Simple and flexible chart generation - Chart types: Line, Pie, Column, Stacked column, 3D column, Bar, Stacked bar, Area, Stacked area
Platform(s): n/a Date: May, 19 2004
Hits: 374

Glow v2

Rating 0.0 0.0
Glow v2 is a revolutionary new way to use Flash Movies! With Glow v2 you can create awesome Active Desktop Wallpaper for Windows systems based upon the SWF format. This means that you can now easily incorporate rich media, vector animation and even live data feeds into users desktops! Active Desktop, Active Content! Using SWF files, you can now introduce content on demand direct to your customers desktop with minimum hassle! Broadcast live video, tickers, reports... anything at all! And all this directly to your audiences desktop! Glow v2 is incredibly easy to use. Simply customize the settings to your Active Desktop in the WYSIWYG window, and Glow v2 will compile a fully customized setup file for Royalty Free distribution!
Platform(s): Windows Date: Nov, 14 2005
Hits: 739

150+ Text Effects plugins - PJ &amp; Supreme4 Flash components

Rating 0.0 0.0
The "PJ" and "Supreme4" collections of Flash Text Effects. Until recently only as Wildform SWFX/WildFX plugins, they are now available as Macromedia Flash MX (MX / 2004 / 2004 professional) Component collections. Great new features are customizability and unrestricted editing. Besides default font settings, many effects have predefined customization for alpha transparencies, movements, scaling, duration, letter and object(s) color, etc. Besides that, since all effects are Flash components, you can edit, modify, replace or rescript any part of the effects simply by opening the effect Symbols in the Library. It's the most direct and unrestricted solution for adding text effects directly into your Macromedia Flash movies. If you are a beginning Flash user, simply drag&amp;drop a component into your movie, set text and you're ready to go. If you are an advanced user, you might imagine the unlimited ways you can modify or adjust the components to your needs. Effect demo's and HELP file are available online.
Platform(s): Windows, Mac OSX Date: Nov, 24 2004
Amount: 315
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